APEX IT SOURCING LIMITED is committed to protecting the privacy of its clients and employees. In cases where we collect personal information about you, we will remind you of the reason
- For which we are collecting and/or using the information in plain and understandable language.
- In case of disclosure to third parties needed, to which the details would be disclosed or need to be disclosed.
- The options available to you for minimising the use and distribution of your personal data.
- And how to get in touch with our company solutions to check, amend, or challenge your personal data.
Our this Privacy Statement extends to all individuals of the company. This Privacy Policy is not applicable to providers, goods, or websites that do not view or refer to this Privacy Policy or have their own privacy policies. You consent to our collection, use, and other processing of your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy by subscribing to or using our services, including by visiting our web pages (the "Services").